
Research Article

Venomics and antivenomics data: Current and future perspective

Morteza Oladnabi*, Soodeh Omidi, Masoumeh Mehrpouya, Abbas Azadmehr, Fatemeh Kazemi-Lomedasht and Najmeh Yardehnavi*

Published: 20 April, 2021 | Volume 5 - Issue 1 | Pages: 026-031

Venom has a very complex and exclusive nature which has been introduced by recent advances in omics technologists. These methods have revealed a new insight into venom studies as venomics. Envenoming by venomous animals is a global concern due to the distribution of important medical species around the world. Treatment of envenomed victims is dependent on accurate and fast identification of animal species with different detection methods. In recent years, new methods have been introduced based on molecular and immunological techniques. Precise diagnosis of species of venomous animals is an essential factor for treatment with specific antivenoms. Venomics and antivenomics data sets help in the selection of specific antivenoms or production of novel antivenoms with greater efficacies.

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Venomics; Antivenomics; Venom; Antivenom


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